Bandai Spirits and Sony音樂娛樂(SME)將在22nd的22nd 2月22日在22nd的2月22日在22nd的Gundam Base Fukuoka(Hakata-ku,Fukuoka City,Fukuoka Prefector)舉行掃描用戶製造的Gunpla Service的限量試驗,並提供用戶製造的Gunpla並提供3D模型數據。實施。該服務計劃僅通過預訂和費用提供。
在審判之前,預訂將從今天(2月12日)下午3點開始在官方網站上開始。該審判將與Bandai Spirits合作進行,該計劃計劃,開發,製造和出售Gunpla,也是官方Gunpla General設施“ Gundam Base Fukuoka”的運營商。
"High Quality Gunpla Scan" is a service developed with the aim of providing high-quality 3D model data that reproduces even the finest processing of the user's own customized Gunpla is scanned using the high-definition 3D scan case "SCANOSYS" (trademark pending), which was developed by SME, to provide high-quality 3D model data that reproduces even the finest processing of the user.
通過將其與專門為該試驗開發的自動脫葉山脈電影發電機結合起來,您還可以創建一部電影,其中掃描的Gunpla Sortie進入太空。
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